View Full Version : uXr

08-09-2006, 01:01 PM
of all the readouts in all the programs the one I never understood well was uXr=units of recoverable energy. Never got that one. Any help appreciated.

08-09-2006, 03:47 PM
You might get a quicker answer if you put this in the Energy section.There are quite a few guys over there that are very efficent with the program.Jeff

08-09-2006, 03:47 PM
You might get a quicker answer if you put this in the Energy section.There are quite a few guys over there that are very efficent with the program.Jeff

08-09-2006, 07:20 PM
Don't feel too bad. Most people that use the energy program don't have a clue as to what uXr might actually mean because the manuals are so obscure that it's difficult to put the true meaning together.

From what I can determine, and I could be wrong this would be my explanation:

Emuv + Smuv = uXr. These factors are another way to show you how your contenders should run and where the strengths of all your contenders would be. uXr is literally the total energy of it's component parts Emuv and Smuv respectively.
Emuv = the energy expended to the pace or median call which represents the "middle of the race".
Smuv = the energy expended from the median or second call to the finish of the race.

These factors are great to understand but there is a lot more to it.:D