View Full Version : Goal Setting / "Finishing the Feeling"

09-26-2005, 07:03 AM
My SPECIFIC goal this week is to "Finish the Feeling".

What does this mean?

I scroll a couple of times thru the horses. Then when I am entering pacelines I start getting some feedback from within. This is becoming common place now which is very good.

What I have to ACT on is when I am "feeling" an exacta should be made or maybe another form of bet structure. I am VERY uneasy making exotic wagers. This is a weakness of mine and it is all internal.

I MUST fight thru this and teach myself to FINISH THE FEELING I am getting about a race.

My GOALS this week have nothing to do with making money ok? They are:

1) Flawless Execution
2) Act in My own Best Interest
3) Finish the Feeling

Richie and Kianti

09-26-2005, 09:22 AM
Please TRY THIS:

for the next week BEFORE u enter pacelines or do anything scroll SLOWLY thru the horses pp's a first time. OK this first pass thru do NOTHING except LOOK at each horses pp's from bottom to top yes u heard that right from bottom to top let your "human computer" just take it all in it processes data amazingly.

Now get a pen and paper. Scroll a 2nd time thru SLOWLY and every horse u come to WRITE DOWN what that little voice inside is telling you WRITE IT DOWN also ANY feel about the race WRITE IT DOWN

I would suggest these first 2 scrolls should take from 5 - 10 minutes with the first one taking very little time and the 2nd one lasting much longer in most cases.

Ok now go back to horse # 1 and enter pacelines Your human computer has already been primed with data and is now available to help you in the decision making process come wager time listen for it man it's there ok?

09-26-2005, 09:49 PM
Any beginners out there should take Richie's advice,I for one have and it does make a difference.It all starts with picking the right paceline and if you rush through it you wont be doing yourself any good. Thanks Richie for pointing this out to people I believe it's more important than your step by step of the races you were doing. Shoeless