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Ted Craven 05-24-2016 07:46 PM

Sabbatical ...
Dear Friends,

I will be taking a 'sabbatical' or 'hiatus' of sorts during the rest of this year 2016. As a consequence, RDSS 2.1 will NOT get delivered by the promised late June 2016 time frame. I apologize for this news. As I write this now, it is clear that not only will the full initial list of features promised earlier be incomplete, but a subset of these features also has no chance of either entering a serious Beta testing phase, let alone final delivery.

In fact, I will absolutely continue to support RDSS users, process Subscription renewals and respond to queries for technical and educational advice. I am not leaving work on RDSS. However, I am tired of setting failed deadlines for myself, and I am having trouble responding to the psychological pressure (set by myself) to deliver software for others' use, while my own use of my own software (i.e. for my own betting account) languishes. (At least that's my excuse!) I will also not be promoting RDSS in any way over the next while, or seeking new users (though no one will be turned away).

I joked to someone today (who happened to write, complaining of the RDSS Subscription price increase) that together with annual RDSS subscription fees and a share of TrackMaster data sales, plus 30+ years of both professional software development skills and handicapping skills specifically with Sartin Methodology (i.e. the proverbial 10,000 hours to mastery of a given domain) - that with all that, I earn less than half of what I did as a software professional for 30 years, and probably slightly more than a full time Walmart greeter. I apologize to that individual that I was likely slightly exaggerating, but not by much. In fact, betting nicely rounds up my annual income, but it frustrates me that I cannot do more of that, because of the time it takes (at least the time it takes ME) to program RDSS and manage the business of it and of

And thus, if I continue with this 'business as usual' I will end up an unhappy camper, and THAT I cannot permit to happen.

So - I am withdrawing RDSS 2.1 from any kind of final release or further testing schedule. I would like to say that the initial list of features will be delivered sometime in 2016, but part of giving myself 'breathing room' to work on it - first for myself and my own use, and in the order of modules which most spark my curiosity and imagination - part of that process, as I understand it, is NOT setting a firm delivery deadline. I would not be at all surprised if this approach (curiously) leads to a FASTER delivery of new and stable software, instead of constantly rescheduling and still failing on deadline after deadline. Again, a psychological barrier which pressure I need to set aside in order to have a happier day-to-day experience working with RDSS and its future.

And betting more frequently. And this (for ME) requires regular time set aside for ONLY that purpose, not juggling email, phone calls, software schedules, posting my live picks, arguing with posters, all at the same time - LOL! I need to respect the time spent analysing and betting races, treat it as a professional 'performance' - as if I were a concert pianist or master craftsman on the job, or - perhaps a spiritual seeker engaged in a sacred and supremely focused undertaking. At any rate, not dabbling at it, but always bringing my A Game every time to a day of betting. Without the A Game, you lose money, and your time and your bankroll fritters away. And discouragement follows.

This is my analysis so far of what I need to do for myself and for my family, and WILL DO during this so-called software 'hiatus' period. Folks will probably know when this period has ended for me, when a new version of RDSS appears! As I mentioned, I am as available re RDSS as ever, but I am withdrawing specifically from a promised delivery schedule for Version 2.1. That said, it would surprise me greatly if something wonderful were not forthcoming in 2016.

I understand if some people are disappointed with this news. The best response I can think of right now is that it will be better for all of us in the long run (including me). If anyone recently resubscribed to RDSS because they thought they were going to get an upgrade in the very near future, I apologize and will issue you a refund if you like. If anyone prefers not to renew their subscription until a new version is released, no worries at all! It is what it is.

To the handful of pre-release testers who have seen what is in development over the past few months, I thank you for your feedback so far - it has indeed been valuable (even if the feedback is "this particular readout 'sucks' " - LOL!). I will not be taking on any new early testers. When I do, I'll ask for assistance, no worries!

I will be betting more regularly, travelling a bit more (and I've proven to myself I can manage things quite well 'from the road') and talking to interesting and interested handicappers wherever I find them. I invite folks to write or call me any time! I'll respond as quickly as I am able to.

Finally, I must say that my heart is filled with Gratitude for all of you who have enabled me to make my full time livelihood in horse racing and in working with Doc Sartin's Methodology. Doc was one of the half-dozen most influential people in my life so far, and I Love him dearly. In both financial and non-financial senses, my life is filled with Abundance already, such that any further wealth from betting or from working with RDSS will not be unexpected, nor felt unearned, nor feel like a stranger. Despite any perceived disputes, I truly have no real antipathy or enmity for anyone. I have the greatest Respect for the many posters who share their particular usage of the tools with the rest of us, and strive (even when I fail) to set my ego aside whenever heads butt! I wish to Praise the contributions of a few individuals here (well known to all of us) who with their long-term, high volume and high quality teaching have set the tone of helpfulness and commitment to our community. In many ways, the people I know here (even when I disagree or am occasionally annoyed with them) are my Mentors, and not just in horse race handicapping, but perhaps more so by what life-lessons they provoke or stimulate in me (when I have the wisdom to perceive the opportunity). All of the foregoing leaves me for the very largest part - a Happy man.

Anyway, thank you all for putting up with these philosophical musings from time to time :eek: It's the way I am able to make sense of life. And thank you for allowing me the space over the coming period to find the best way to evolve my own game, and to deliver more software tools to enjoy our great sport and puzzle!

Good Luck, good Skill!


Mitch44 05-24-2016 09:19 PM

Glad your in tune with your body and doing what's best for you. You sure have been looking out for us. Greatly appreciated and enjoy your getaway. Additionally I hope you hit some real good ones.

Best of luck & skill,

Pat C. 05-24-2016 11:11 PM

Ted, good for you! I have been around awhile and do not post here much, but I appreciate and follow you and the other teachers here at P&C closely. As you know I recently renewed my subscription after a year or so layoff. That break did wonders for me and I know it will for you. A fresh mind lets you see things with greater clarity.

RDSS is great just as it is. All the information (sometimes too much) is there for success if interpreted correctly. I am sure any changes would just be cream on the top.

Enjoy your sabbatical.

Pat C.

DaveEdwards 05-25-2016 09:28 AM

Nice one Ted,

I think you are doing absolutely the right thing. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries from time to time. Enjoy your recuperation time!

Hoof 11 05-25-2016 03:01 PM

“Summer of Ted”

Take all the time you need, i really couldn’t care less about the upgrade, i am content with what i have already. I completely understand the “burnout” you’re going through, life is too short for that nonsense.

See you at the track.

dlivery 05-25-2016 04:24 PM

You were here for us
now is time back off on the pedal and coast your way and enjoy the
accomplishments you have work hard for and help you have provided and successes you earned Thank-You Ted for all of this.


sureshotlink 05-25-2016 04:40 PM

Live your Essence

If money is lost, nothing is lost, If health is lost, something is lost,
If character is lost, everything is lost.

Perhaps now we will see you sniffing around tournament rooms this summer.

Sat Nam,

Paul link
Los Angeles

Old Arkie Gal 05-28-2016 11:05 AM

I won’t quote Edna St. Vincent Millay since I can’t remember her exact words, but the thought remains the same. I burn my candle at both ends, It will not last the night, But ah my friends and oh my foes it will not last the night. People who are bright, self-directed, and hard-working often have trouble with their candle. Self-reflection and self-examination require withdrawal and quite. It can be an anxiety provoking time when you discover a characteristic that doesn’t meet your “idealized self” and a time of self-understanding and insight. You will find peace and contentment as you go along.
I do find it troubling that some individuals label as “ego” comments you have made regarding the evolution of RDSS. Comments like that tend to stifle a free exchange of ideas which are so important to discovery.
Best wishes on your journey.

Mark 05-28-2016 04:03 PM

Extremely Disappointed
As individuals, all we have in this world is our integrity and honor. Our actions indicate to others the strength of our character and trustworthiness.

DaveEdwards 05-28-2016 04:27 PM

Friends Helping Friends

May I be so bold as to point out that postings amounting to character assassination are beyond what is acceptable on this forum?

If you feel as extremely disappointed as you say, there is nothing stopping you from learning to program and developing your own matching software.

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