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Old 04-07-2019, 10:44 AM   #2
Grade 1
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: The Villages, Fl.
Posts: 3,706
A very interesting article indeed Mick, insightful. Thanks for posting.

I for one do not condone the abuse of any animal and believe more can be done both before and with after care. After care not only for the big named stars but for all horses and people such as jockeys. The Jockey Disabled program is a wonderful program. How is the retirement programs for rest in racing after leaving the game, after no longer able to make it?

Racing has made great strides considering yesteryear in many areas. Are we there yet? No! Without a central authority to police itself there never will be unity of effort. This also goes to data collection of injures to find the common denominators to prevent future occurrences.

For every action there's a opposite reaction. So with my thinking cap on let me take the contrarian approach. I believe veterinarians are more highly trained in bone structure, ligaments etc. than a jockey. This guy should have found another way to make a living rather than add to the problem for over 15 years as an exercise rider. Just as guilty as those he admonishes. To lend more credibility to this article I believe he should have given his name, after all he out of the game now. I find that to be disingenuous at best. I'm not a big fan of unnamed sources.

Complex problems take longer and are more difficult to solve. I hope they remain on course once the issue goes on the back burner.

Enough of this dribble but I will leave you with this. Are we just as guilty as players for funding this game?

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