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Old 11-03-2021, 06:46 PM   #7
Tim Y
turf historian
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Originally Posted by Lt1 View Post
Tim I'm not saying that other things shouldn't be explored but only that is a site devoted to the Methodology. I do use other things in my capping, but in my opinion, those things should not clutter this site. Everyone is free to explore whatever they deem useful.
See, we BOTH use sources that WORK from around our experinces...

I would NEVER would know what I didn't know without a very solid foundation of the methodology (I was around since 1986 when Phase III was the standard- never really had a "feeling" for things until ENERGY however)

My knowledge of how to investigate maidens was fashioned on repetitive readouts of Early Pace, my understanding of the THEOERETICAL way of evaluating TURF races, I owe to the deceleration concept (HOWEVER working the photfinihs carema for over 10 years has soured my BIG TIME on turf races as the TRIP too often negates the work in projection) Turfers and "two races better than the field mollifies that a little. Style over Substance was a discover via Thoromation, Order within Chaos a result of VP/C, and Speculator gleaned many a key to understanding how to eliminate horse as ell as the early/late concept.

What I attribute the BEST result of association with H. Sartin was the recommendation of outside reading material that was an inspiration for many of his concepts, his incorporation of Yin and Yang and Chinese philosophy (the concept "either...or,)" and I still have several of those texts which I re-read from time to time.

Did not forget all that I learned, just added to it.
Albert Einstein:"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."
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