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Old 03-19-2008, 09:29 AM   #5
Grade 1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 7,014
Good morning.

I knew something was going on after calls by Bill and Pino. Even "Hat" started messing with me!

Not too many things leave me at a loss for words but this is one. Can a "thank you" ever begin to say what I feel about this? I am so full of emotions I can't think much less type anything coherent.

I've been raised all my life by a family of teachers and "sowers" as my friend Budman puts it. Dad insisted that I go out of my way to HELP people when I could and SHARE my expertise (mathematics) with others especially young kids. He led by example. He passed on 19 years ago materially a poor man.

Yet at his wake hundreds of people showed up from all walks of life to pay their respects. The funeral director had to open a second room for people to sit waiting to see Dad. Folks would come up I had never seen before and say things like "Oh Frank helped our family with some bills when I lost my job" or
"Your Dad made some phone calls to the Dean of Iona College and helped our son get in when we really couldn't afford it".

That was my Dad and I try every day to make him proud.

I want to thank everyone for what is truly a surreal happening. I can't believe this. Honest to God I can't believe this.

Thank you
P.S. - Bill I know this was your doing and posting on a board won't do justice to what I want to say to you. I will be heading to Jersey in the next day or 2 for a face to face and a big ass hug!
"Grampy I'm talking to you!"
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