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Old 07-06-2009, 12:30 PM   #1
CC Brown
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 20
Items on BL BL screen and Pace Balance speed

I have three questions.
1. What is VDC on the BL BL screen and how is it calculated. It looks like the ranking is from the ranking of 5 factors to the right. Is this correct?. If so I can find the spn-speed#, FX#,TS-total speed, TPP-looks like CPR#, but what is Epsalon?(E). I don't see that anywhere! What is and how do you use a Binder number when the ranking go 1-2-3-2 or 1? What are the fractals and how are they derived and how do you use them? I assume E means early, L means late- what does N mean?
2. Pizzola comes up with a pace balanced number to give a horse extra credit for being able to run and finish well against a fast pace. Is there such a Sartin number? At first I thought-energy, but if two horses run the same times no matter how you add up the velocity fractions they add to the same thing. Example: H1 22.5 45 110 1 1 1 1 H2 23 46 110 1 1 1 1 These still total the same energy don't they? Even though H1 is a better horse.
#. On the bl bl there is something denotes as BAL I also so it on another screen.. What is it and how do you use it?
Thanks for a reply.
PS I watched one of the training videos and it got thorough the Velocity and Energy screen then stopped and coould not find one that followed.
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