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Old 07-19-2012, 01:24 AM   #4
For The Lead
Grade 1
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by Bill V. View Post
Your idea is sound but your reference to betting 60/40 is a little dated
The 60/40 split of bets or even 70/30 percentages became passe as the methodology moved away from the 65 to 70 win percentage goals.
As more and more of Doc's formula's made there way into the main stream. The methodology moved into the wager capping guidelines of splitting bets
50/50 and the focus became solely on ROI Doc's later guidelines were to use a 50 /50 bet on horses above 5/2 and only revert back to the 60/40 split if the client found it too hard to avoid betting on horses in the $5.60 to $6.80 range . or for those like Patrick who are at the mercy of the tote board as they can not wagercap. They are off site and often their bets fall below $7.00


Hi Bill,

You are absolutely correct when you say betting 60/40 is a little dated. In fact, I would even go further than that and say it is A LOT dated, right back to the root of the methodology. I also date myself A LOT when I use the root goal of achieving a 60% TO 70% winners, but this is the way to learn how to win.

I’m sure everyone knows how Doc got started, by being charged with taking a group of chronic losers and turning them into winners. THIS is the strategy he used to do the job.

In the same way a tree needs a strong root to withstand high winds, rain, sleet, ice and snow, so too do handicappers need a strong root. This is their root. Once a handicapper has this strong foundation, they can move on to other possible options. The methodology didn’t start in the middle. It started at the beginning.

I believe that one needs strong fundamentals and the root of the methodology provide exactly that.
"It's suppose to be hard. If it was easy, everybody would do it." Jimmy Dugan, A League of Their Own
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