Thread: The Early Horse
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Old 05-23-2006, 08:53 AM   #11
Grade 2
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 86
Doc is doing ok. I talk to him about every couple of months.
Position is very important in a horse race. The "break" is where the race starts and if you look at the past performance you can see where the horse need to take over the race to win. If a horse is "Headed" at the first call, we don’t know how far he had to run, fighting to get the lead. but it costs him units of energy and his energy is depleted and he falls back.
I made the statement; "for every unit of energy (fifth of second) a horse depletes early it costs him two units at the end." This statement was later verified by Huey Mahl. I do not have the video you mentioned.
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