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Old 03-15-2017, 09:52 AM   #4
Grade 1
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: The Villages, Fl.
Posts: 3,705
Great information Bill.

To the best of my knowledge as programs evolved they included much more than the meridian variant. I used Synergism 2 and it used a different concept to adjust races which included a more efficient variant adjustment and a couple of other adjustment ,plus a whole different concept. The concept was to find an unknown point (such as a variant) from two known points. In the military this has been used in map reading to determine one's location or unknown point for years, which I learned and used in the military. In Synergism they used 3 points. The whole concept would take a very lengthy discussion as it also included the match-up to make these adjustment for adjusting these 3 points.

That concept has probably been tweaked as later programs evolved to the point that its a little different but not far from concept. Actually only Ted could probably answer that question actually and specifically. Here's the main point forget about the Meridian Varient, track to track adjustment, different distance adjustments etc. because all adjustments are accounted for by RDSS which encompasses all adjustments BASED ON THE PACE LINES YOU SELECT and consist of the latest and tested concept that "Doc" and others were able to conceive.

As Bill said above contender selection and pace lines selection are main ingredients to this overall recipe. Don't get hung up on what a formula is or how something specifically works because you won't be able to get from point A to point B. No one has to be a mechanic in order to drive a car. Just know all the adjustments in RDSS are the latest concept, have been proved through rigorous testing to be effective and has stood the test of time. See you along the highway.

Last edited by Mitch44; 03-15-2017 at 10:09 AM.
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