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Old 03-14-2006, 09:12 AM   #8
Ted Craven
Grade 1
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Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
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Perceptor II

This is the Fraction 1, Fraction 2, Fraction 3 velocities, velocity to the Second Call, and Total energy (sum of F1+F2+F3), expressed in the 'Perceptor fashion', then summed horizontally to equal the PII Total and rank.

The "Perceptor" representation of a group of numbers is merely, (in each column) the highest number is 100 (100%), and the rest of the numbers (the velocities) are expressed as percentages of the highest number.

So PII shows the array of raw velocities and TE, rather than the more massaged compound factors in PI. There is a one-to-one relationship between the PII numbers and the underlying Velocities shown on the 7. Velocity-True Speed-Deceleration Screen (upper panel). This gives you an alternate, 'reality' view of how the horses actually ran. It also helps highlight who's at the 1st and 2nd call and how far behind others are - whether there's likely to be early pace contention.

The PII Total and rank is an aggregate of all the energy and positional velocities.


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